Jumat, 25 November 2011

Simple Saturday : Still sleepy, Dad..

Still sleepy Dad, don't disturb..

<CZJ 5cm Sonnar, f1.5, RD1>

Simple look : Why ...

Why are you looking at me Hy ?

Simple Look : Why..

Why are you looking at me, Dad?

Kamis, 17 November 2011

Simple connection : Telkomsel Balikpapan, S*CK !!!

What you want is just simple connection, connects you to your relative, family, friend.
You can talk, you can chat, send messages, browsing, all just simple stuff you want.
Simpati, mentari, xl, fleksi, etc? Which one to choose?
My experience :
- Fleksi, local cdma, prepaid/postpaid, cheap, networks is limited to cdma 2000x 1x, but it is so stable, 10-15kBps. I use it for my home network, everyone happy at home, Unlimited internet monthly for 50k rupiah
- Mentari, national gsm, prepaid, i have been using this for 6years, great bonuses, network quite fast but a little bit unstable. My best gsm i ever try.
- Simpati, by telkomsel. They said they are the best, they said they are the fastest, the stablest network. But in my experience in this 2 months, they S*CK !!
90% times i try to make a phone call, it always said network busy. 90% times i try to connect to network to reach internet, it wont connect, or at the end connected with lost sync issue, mostly 1kBps when connected. I tried the unlimited data plan, they said max 384kbps, but to reach 5kBps is hard, when it able to connect. Their bonusses scheme works at early morning, am I a bat !!?
The worst thing is i need to use telkomsel as in my work place all use it, what a crap. Telkomsel need to learn from it's cdma brother. Telkomsel is S*CK !!!

Minggu, 13 November 2011

Simple Photographer : My Little Snapshooter..!

My 3.5 years old son, he carry such a big camera, trying to use it, or, I can say, he act as if he use it..

When the time come, all my camera will be yours..
Keep your eye open my son, take whatever picture you want..
Thanks for being a copy of me..

Rabu, 09 November 2011

Simple day..

Your smile is the present for my day.
Thanks Hy, can't live without you..

Minggu, 06 November 2011

Simple Tripod : Ultrapod II Manual

Biar nggak bingung, lihat gambarnya..

Kamis, 03 November 2011

Simple Phone : The E-Series !

at this moment, I got the first and the last

of E series..

after years I use the old one, dropped many times, splashed with rain, still it perform as it should be.

but, I need to move on. i need more computing power, I need more fluid and fast action, yet still have the old capability :
- connect to my Office Network !! (Cisco EAP-Leap)
- do document processing on the go ( Quick Office)
- QWERTY !!! fast typing
- Office Communicator and Mail for Exchange
- PDFing
and i can confirm that the new one, is a hugh jump compare to the old one.

extra bonus I get from the new one :
- wide and capacitive touch screen
- 720p video recording
- camera, front and back (miss this on the old one)
- scratch resistance screen (gorrila glass)
- direct connection to USB (thumbdrive, memory card reader, mouse, keyboard, hardisk!!)
- HDMI output to your HDTV
- flash light !
- Laptop-like design, really stand in crowd (all the ipad guy asking me why i choose it..)
- TIFF viewer (i open a lot of scematic i need at work) with default picture browser.
- Big File capability (opening a lot of big file)
- Multitasking (something rare on other platform)
- Ctrl C, Ctrl V, Ctrl X, etc, windows copy paste method
- MKV, Xvid, Avi, WMV, MPG, MP4, etc.. play well by default player.

so, is that not enough?

I have tried BB, Ipad, Android, but have not found as complete as I got from the new one.
so, why not ??

end word : Long Live the new one !

Simple Traveller's Tripod : Ultrapod II

Pingin punya tripod kecil buat travelling, yang nggak menuh-menuhin tas, yang cukup kuat untuk dSLR atau RF + satu lensa prime, bisa di ikat di tiang/pohon kalau dibutuhkan, dan nggak mahal..
Masalahnya, ADA NGGAK ???

Sempet melirik joby gorilla-pod, tapi baca sana sini, ternyata ada hal yang kurang sesuai dihati :
-  untuk load yang saya sebutkan di atas, asumsi saya sekitar 1kg, si gorilla pod = mahal
- dan juga GEDE
- tidak sekokoh yang dibayangkan orang.
- dan untuk variant yang pakai ball-head (or quick release) = Mahal..

Sempet lirik E-pod nya giottos, tapi jelas nggak kuat buat setup saya.

Sempet lirik juga Manfrotto table tripod, harganya di kisaran 50-60$, tapi kok pas lihat barangya cukup signifikan gedenya walau konstruksi dan load ratingnya tinggi + bisa ganti head kalo dibutuhkan. Kalo untuk ini sih sudah ada 190ProCF dirumah.

iseng baca di google, muncul satu nama si Ultrapod II by pedco. made in USA pula, kuat 3kg, ball head, kecil (15cm), harga 15$ (sama kaya harga si e-pod giottos). why not to try ?
Setelah sebulan, datanglah Ultrapod dirumah. Build quality saya pikir dari metal, ternyata dari plastik keras, ringan sekali dibanding load yang harus ditahan, begitu di expand, cukup sturdy, test dengan setup sekitar 1.5kg. ballheadnya pun dari plastik, somehow sempet mikir apa dengan kamera diposisikan muter sana sini, miring/vertical/horizontal, apa si ball head akan grippy dan nggak turun, ternyata cukup kuat gigitan si ballhead.

Ditaruh dimeja, OK, ditaruh di area yang miring/nggak rata ?? Temen kantor sempet sangsi apa bisa. Thanks to ball headnya, solusi saya ialah cari posisi kaki yang steady dulu (walaupun miring), trus posisi kamera diadjust dengan main di ball headnya. Di gorilla-pod tanpa ball head, susah sekali adjust horizon levelnya..

Melawan Gorillapod, ditaruh di pohon/tiang bisa ?? Bisa, selama velcronya mampu mengelilingi object yang di ikat. saya coba ikat vertical/horizontal, bisa, dan asumsi saya lebih cepat di deploy/redeploy kalau dibutuhkan dibanding si gorillapod.. by mistake, saya beli dari ebay 17$, free ship + bonus extra velcro biar lebih panjang. great deal !!

Test dengan setup istD+DA21 (600-800gram) no problem..

Test dengan RD1+50mm f1.5 Sonnar (1kg), cukup kokoh.
Dengan K7+Sigma1770 (sekitar 1.3kg), mencet tombol shutter bisa induce shake di kamera. jadi timer 2s/12s mutlak dipakai, or else cable release.

Kalau pingin set kamera di posisi portrait (vertical) harus bener-bener letakkan beban di area yang ditahan kaki tripod (soalnya titik bebannya jadi tinggi => mengurangi stabilitas), or else gripnya kurang, bisa unballance dan kamera bisa jatuh.

Kekurangan lainnya ? MURAH..tapi nggak ada yang jual di indonesia..
So far, dengan harga segitu, tripod ini bisa perform melebihi harganya..SUPER DUPER Highly Recommended