Sabtu, 31 Maret 2012

Simple Madass : New free flow exhaust

Berangkat ke bengkel, pake knalpot asli, rasanya tarikan agak brebet dan berat, mungkin karena karbu vm22 dgn pilot/main jet 20/103.8 yg kegedean, atau juga gear kombinasi 15/39 yg baru dipasang.

Dibengkel (+ nunggu hampir 6jam), terpasanglah knalpot Level3 roadrace yg terlanjur dibeli di kaskus. Thanks to brayan knalpot, pemasangannya rapi dan profesional, sesuai keinginan user. Begitu motor dinyalain.. Beb..beb..Beb.. Ngebas diputaran bawah, tarik gas.. roooong.. Wah, kok teriak dia, jadi takut bakal rame nggak dijalan pulang ntar..

Pulang, tarikan mesin rasanya jadi lebih enteng, orang2 pada nengok kali dijejerin, entah karena suara yg rame atau uniknya madass. Pilot/main jet yg awalnya kegedean tampaknya cocok dgn kombinasi ini, sama sekali nggak ada brebet sama sekali. Naik gear 2 di 25kmh, gear 3 di 45kmh, gear 4 di 65kmh, tarik terus ke 80kmh lancar sekali, cuma ya itu, sebelum dicegat pak RT didepan komplek, masuk komplek langsung lepas gas, tarik kopling, beb..beb..beb.. Untung rumah nggak jauh dari ujung komplek..

Pas masuk rumah, baru sadar ada salah design, knalpotnya terlalu keluar posisinya, pas kaki turun dan dorong motor pelan2, paha kena pipa knalpotnya, untung masih anget2 aja, tapi perlu dipikirkan solusi cover heatnya

Selasa, 20 Maret 2012

Simple Madass : My home made 39t gear installed

16:39, this will make my madass reach 112kmh top speed, but i don't test it yet how big the loss of torque will be. I ride most of the time in the range of 60-80kmh, with stock 16:46 gear, engine shakes significantly when i reach 80kmh at 4th gear, that's pretty much uncomfort to my hand and my butt, event for 15minutes reading
With this new combination, i hope it helps reduce the engine shakes. If torque loss is too much, i will need to look for front 15t sprocket to be 15:39 combination, max speed will be around 105kmh, somewhere in between 16:46 and 16:39 combination.

Gear taken from Ninja 150R, TK Racing 428 39t with 6spokes, cut the spokes, drill the holes, few hours with metal saw and drill station. Combine with 108link 428 chain and i am ready to go.

Simple Madass : Stebel Nautilus.. honk..honk..!

I believe this will move big harley out of my way..