Rabu, 25 Juli 2012

Simple Madass : Dual rear caliper..

The top one is stock, bottom one is brembo.
The top one will be coupled to front brake, this give me additional grip during panic brake, but don't know yet if this will be balanced. The bottom caliper will be extra braking power by the foot brake. Still on going project..

Sabtu, 21 Juli 2012

Simple RF : 2feet close focus on Nikkor HC "Sonnar"

Just like it..
Wide open @ 2 feet, distance measured with the length of my hand

Kamis, 12 Juli 2012

Simple Lens : it's not all about bokeh..

i like bokeh.
i like sub f2 lens
almost "ALL" of my lenses are sub f2 lens,
cron?? forget it, i need more light, more bokeh..f1.2, f1.4, f1.5, that's what i'm talking about, and use it wide open !

i never "Like" the idea of "hyperfocal shooting" 
all area sharp.. sharp..sharp..?
no, i need bokeh, i need dof separation..bokeh, bokeh, bokeh..

one day, i downloaded a bunch of picture from my camera to laptop, and viewed it there..
what the heck..!!

it was a very shocking experience, not that i don't like it, but it is really refreshment to my mind..

then i realize, it's not all about bokeh..sometimes it worth to shock your day with something "different"

Minggu, 08 Juli 2012

Simple Lens : Nikkor HC f2 LTM

full of brass, coated, medium contrast, nice saturation, sonnar design, close focus to 1.5ft, nice little lens for my IIIC-T BP ST
@ f2

@ minimum focus.