Kamis, 06 September 2012

Simple Madass : Multitools for Bikers ?

Multitools can not replace the right/proper tool to handle the job, but in case of emergency, you'll realize that to have it is better than not.

1st question, why it need to be a multitool ?
answer :
- because Madass have no space to store proper tool unless you build it
- the only available space every madasser have, i believe is just a pocket on trousers or jacket.
- if the tool can be used as "key-chain" that'll be better.
- it need to be a multitool, as they are compact yet give several function at once.

So what is needed for a multitools?
- madass is a MOTOR-bike, not a bicycle, so all bicycle multitools are not the proper tool for motor (they only provide certain function needed for bike)
- screw driver (s), both normal and phillips, better if it can provide more than 1 size each
- socket (s) & driver, in Metric
- plier, usefull a lot in motorbike, extra bonus if you have cable cutter
- adjustable wrench ? if possible
- allen key, in Metric. most use size is 6mm in madass
- spark plug removal wrench, if possible, but rarely exist in multitools
- knife? why not. you can use it to peel a cable insulator or cut something, or to fight a bad guy asking for your precious Madass ?
- bottle opener, while waiting your Madass being serviced, it can be a nice tool to have a bottle of coke
- light enough
- pocketable, or key-chainable
- heavy duty enough, to handle small-small issue in emergency
- cheap enough :)

so, as i start to search around, here what i found :
- Leatherman => Wave, Charge, if you have more than 50$, you can have it. positive = build quality, negative = price, no sockets, allen key, i have seen my friend bend the screw driver bit in it's Leatherman Wave.
- Gerber 600, and  other with similar design => price from 30-50$, build quality lower than a leatherman, but sometimes it provide the "best for money" for a multitools, but still it is for daily activity, not for Madass
- Cruz Tools M14 Multi-Tool, it really made for bikers !  4 metrix hex keys in 3, 4, 5, & 6mm,  2 screwdrivers, 3 sockets and driver bit in 8, 10 & 12mm.  Two open-end wrenches in 13 & 14mm are provided along with 3 spoke wrenches. but no plier, and i wonder if this will be strong enough to handle the task. and for the price, <20$ is a very good point.
- Harley-Davidson Multitools, this is a leatherman wave copy, but they add extra  functionality to have socket driver for standar screwdriver bit/allen key bit. this makes things easier and more usefull, as you can swap the bit with a good quality one. i have one of this and it made from full metal body, the grip is nice, not wiggle left-right, knifes are sharp (serrated knife and plain one), there plier has spring so it add nice feel to the hand using it. and the cost is <20$. from this stand point i can say this is the best of price and feature point of view. if i can find adapter to use bigger sockets driver in it, it will be awesome !! if i am not wrong, this model made by Ganzo.

so at this moment i stop my search and enjoy my new multitool, for my Madass.

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