Senin, 23 September 2013

Simple Phone : Wifi Issue with Photon Q

I can connect to my home wifi network, but i can't connect to my office network.
My office use EAP-LEAP, and EAP-PEAP with MsChapV2. My old Nokia E7 can connect to the Leap one easily, but my Photon Q can't. the only reason i buy Photon q is to replace E7, too bad it couldn't.

The problem lies on ICS (android). a lot of issue in internet that ICS can't save the wifi configuration entered. ICS save the config in this file : wpa_supplicant.conf
Why it can't be saved, i don't have idea. How about if i edit the file it self, will it work? i did this crazy idea and.. it works !

I did test 3 way to edit wpa_supplicant.conf. all require root access:
1. use adb, pull the file, edit it in your laptop, push it back ==> it reset file user/group owner. need to change back using chown command, or else can't be accessed by wifi system.
2. copy file to sdcard, put sdcard to computer, edit, put card back, copy file to original location, still need chown command as no1
3. using file explorer (i use ES file explorer), edit the file directly on it's location. works best, no chown needed

Where is the file ? go to /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf

What to edit?
bassically i don't want to mess with setting other than what the phone originally set. i just changed the value which is not saved automatically, and saved it manually.

How to do it?
1. i use native wifi setting, create profile as needed to match the one to use in my office. save it
2. turn wifi off
3. go to es file explorer, view the file. you will see that some value is not saved as before.
4. edit it, changed back to what it should be.
5. turn wifi on
6. check if that profile connects to the network.

I did 2 times :
1. use native wifi setting, it has some extra parameter (i assume, phone spesific to photon q), but somehow it still can't connect.

2. i use wifi connection manager app, create the same profile. save. edit with es explorer as above, it has less parameter compare to native wifi, but somehow it works.

and the next one is to run proxydroid to bypass proxy in the office.
yummy !!

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