Sabtu, 24 November 2012

Simple Madass : engine swap?

Still searching the right engine, requirement :
- a wellknown brand
-125cc, 135cc or 150cc
- spare part availability for long term use

candidate : honda supra x 125cc, suzuki shogun SP 125cc, Suzuki FU 150cc, Yamaha Jupiter MX 135cc.
Problems found so far, none of them match directly the engine mounting of the madass. May need to make new bracket for the new engine.
Problem with FU, engine block is too big & may hit front fender, but indeed this 6speed 150cc DOHC is my dream engine for madass.
Will try first my supra x, reason, no need to buy another motor bike :)

Selasa, 20 November 2012

Simple Life : Terima kasih Pak..

"Saya sudah dibantu promosinya dan saya sudah berhasil naik ke level berikutnya... "

adakah yang pernah bilang begini padaku ???
Thanks to my wife, i can learn to say thanks to other..

Selasa, 23 Oktober 2012

Simple tool : multi tool vs proper tool

Tried to work a weekend project with only multitool, but couldn't managed it.
Went back with proper tool and things work faster, safer, better !
At the end,i realize multitool is not replacement for proper tool..

Kamis, 18 Oktober 2012

Simple Family : First tooth..

Tadi malam, gigi Yosua goyah satu dan akhirnya lari ke dokter gigi malam2. Alhasil satu gigi seri atas Yosua dicabut, senyumnya jadi lebih lucu dari sebelumnya deh. Hebatnya dia tidak nangis saat dicabut giginya, malah cerita sama dokternya, gigi sakit, dll. Hebaat !!

Sabtu, 13 Oktober 2012

Simple TLR : I have search enough..

Rolleiflex/rolleicord/clone have no-flat film-path. No go..
Mamiya tlr, powerfull feature, macro capable, great blue dot & super lenses, BIG & Heavy, No go..
Autocord, i like it !

Simple Project : All New Sirion Mod#1

Jut got a new "All New Sirion" for my wife.
1st mod will be the audio side, as the stock really thin in my ear.
Head Unit => Pioneer double din with bluetooth audio/phone function, i had one in my old "kijang" and really like the output. The phone is for me, bluetooth audio/usb port is for my wife, and dvd player is for my son. I need to buy the new bracket and do little mod on the bracket to make the head unit can be installed.
Front Speaker => JBL 10cm (4inch) coaxial, adding extra punch on the mid & high area
Rear Speaker => Pioneer 16cm (6.5inch) coaxial, the stock one shake too much when the i crank up the volume
Sub = Pioneer 8inch slim sub, stylish in small package but give extra punch for low freq. The seller said this small sub can't deliver enough SPL to shake the car. I don't need one, i need just for balancing the sound.

Once all set (by me :) ), i call my wife to hear it, and she smile "it's enough…" while reducing the sound level from 9 to 6. Hmm, that's a reason i am not looking for power, just to live up the cabin, i'll never been able to set the volume higher than 6 :)

Senin, 17 September 2012

Simple Life : e-ktp oh e-ktp...

Bangun jam 3, masukin form ke kecamatan
Pulang, tidur, bangun lagi jam 6 nungguin nomer urutan, eh ternyata bukanya jam 7.30, antri lagi ditengah teriakan banyak orang. Akhirnya dipanggil sekitar jam 8, dapat nomer antri 160, pulang, bisa makan mandi dulu, mungkin balik jam 12 siang. Entahlah, yg penting sudah dapat nomer antrinya dulu..ngantuk, demi e-ktp..

Kamis, 13 September 2012

Simple Tool : am I gadget freak ?

EDC vs gadget ?

Basically EDC is all stuff you carry everyday to support your daily task.
Gadget is something (can be EDC) which has blink-blink effect (price, function, style, etc) but may not always an EDC

I'll show mine, let's see if i'm falling into gadget freak category or not.

1. Buck Odyssey ATS-34 folding knive with Carbon Fiber handle and half serrated blade. I'm not a fan of multitools. I have several victorinox at home, try a leatherman wave, but most of them have "weak" blade and i have seen a friend bent his leatherman phillip screw driver bit during light usage. If i want to carry tool, it need to be something i can depent on, for the task i did everyday. Here i choose this small yet strong folding knive. Thanks to ATS-34 blade i can depend on it (5 years already been passed together, i break the tip as i use it to open a flat screw, but it is far from it's main function). I sharpen it twice a year, and it hold it's edge sharp all day long. I cut cables, i cut metal (alumunium), i cut my nails, i bring it Every Day and i know it will not let me down.

2. Citizen Eco-Drive BL5350-59L Titanium. It has all function that i want : it is sort of mechanical watch (needles, dials), no need to change battery (thanks to eco-drive), dual time (sometimes i go abroad and want to remember my country time), perpetual calendar (once you set, it will keep track of date correctly, forget setting date every monthly basis), chronograph (60minutes at 1/20s increment, just enough), ALARM  (it is a nice little reminder), and it is made of Titanium. Is this a gadget? Nope. i bash it everyday, scratches are all over the glass surface (it is not saphire crystal, too bad). it light and thin enough in my hand and something i can depend on to track time. A very EDC watch !!

3. Nokia E7. It works like a small laptop for me. It syncs to my work email (thanks to it's keyboard i can type fast), it open all file i need (office files, tiff schematic files, pdf, etc) browse internet,It is game station to my son, flash light in emergency, photo uploader to imageshack, flickr/picasa, photo browser directly to SD card from my digital camera, photo editor, HDmovie viewer (i can play MKV, AVI file with it), it can hooked up to HDTV as well, long battery life, really a usefull phone for me.

what else do I carry most (but not daily)?
- Gossen Digisix for my old RF/MF gear (if i carry film camera)
- 1 camera 1 lens (it used to be Pentax istD + DA21), can be Leica M2-T/Hexar RF with nokton, IIIc-T/RD1 with Sonnar, or a simple Ricoh GX100, rollei 35SE, or the mamoth MAmiya C330. one camera, one lens only

I don't babysit my stuff. i don't mind to break it, scratch it, damage it, as long as they are performing well for the service. They are the slave and i am the master. They were bought to serve, to be a tool i can depend on and i really use it to the limit (doesn't mean abuse it)
Am i gadget freak ? I think not. I am just a technical guy with some EDC stuff in my pocket. I'm not buying all new stuff. I bought something i can use to live my life better.

ps : soon, will come CRKT Guppie & Pockettoolx Piranha. I wonder if any of them goint to be my EDC or not. I am not a fan of big stuff, I carry as small as possible, as efficient as possible. we'll see.

Sabtu, 08 September 2012

Simple Family : Doa Yosua tercepat..

Pa : Yosua, ayo berdoa dulu..
Yosua : Tuhan Yesus, Amin..
Pa : Lho, kok gitu..

Kamis, 06 September 2012

Simple Madass : Multitools for Bikers ?

Multitools can not replace the right/proper tool to handle the job, but in case of emergency, you'll realize that to have it is better than not.

1st question, why it need to be a multitool ?
answer :
- because Madass have no space to store proper tool unless you build it
- the only available space every madasser have, i believe is just a pocket on trousers or jacket.
- if the tool can be used as "key-chain" that'll be better.
- it need to be a multitool, as they are compact yet give several function at once.

So what is needed for a multitools?
- madass is a MOTOR-bike, not a bicycle, so all bicycle multitools are not the proper tool for motor (they only provide certain function needed for bike)
- screw driver (s), both normal and phillips, better if it can provide more than 1 size each
- socket (s) & driver, in Metric
- plier, usefull a lot in motorbike, extra bonus if you have cable cutter
- adjustable wrench ? if possible
- allen key, in Metric. most use size is 6mm in madass
- spark plug removal wrench, if possible, but rarely exist in multitools
- knife? why not. you can use it to peel a cable insulator or cut something, or to fight a bad guy asking for your precious Madass ?
- bottle opener, while waiting your Madass being serviced, it can be a nice tool to have a bottle of coke
- light enough
- pocketable, or key-chainable
- heavy duty enough, to handle small-small issue in emergency
- cheap enough :)

so, as i start to search around, here what i found :
- Leatherman => Wave, Charge, if you have more than 50$, you can have it. positive = build quality, negative = price, no sockets, allen key, i have seen my friend bend the screw driver bit in it's Leatherman Wave.
- Gerber 600, and  other with similar design => price from 30-50$, build quality lower than a leatherman, but sometimes it provide the "best for money" for a multitools, but still it is for daily activity, not for Madass
- Cruz Tools M14 Multi-Tool, it really made for bikers !  4 metrix hex keys in 3, 4, 5, & 6mm,  2 screwdrivers, 3 sockets and driver bit in 8, 10 & 12mm.  Two open-end wrenches in 13 & 14mm are provided along with 3 spoke wrenches. but no plier, and i wonder if this will be strong enough to handle the task. and for the price, <20$ is a very good point.
- Harley-Davidson Multitools, this is a leatherman wave copy, but they add extra  functionality to have socket driver for standar screwdriver bit/allen key bit. this makes things easier and more usefull, as you can swap the bit with a good quality one. i have one of this and it made from full metal body, the grip is nice, not wiggle left-right, knifes are sharp (serrated knife and plain one), there plier has spring so it add nice feel to the hand using it. and the cost is <20$. from this stand point i can say this is the best of price and feature point of view. if i can find adapter to use bigger sockets driver in it, it will be awesome !! if i am not wrong, this model made by Ganzo.

so at this moment i stop my search and enjoy my new multitool, for my Madass.

Minggu, 02 September 2012

Simple RF : every single picture i've made..

is really a capture of moment i want to remember.
In fact, i can remember what camera & what lens taking the picture.. I may forget the date, but i remember the reason why i took the picture.. I think i have too much photographic memory free space in my mind, and i want to use it for my family. They are the ones i want to be in mind until my days end. Love You So Much Hy & Son.

Rabu, 15 Agustus 2012

Simple Madass : DIY Fuel Indicator !!

I learn the idea (simple idea) after seeing how the fuel indicator from an old engine in my shop.
What a brilliant yet simple !

The idea is to have a clear tube outside of fuel tank, and connect both upper and bottom of tube back to the tank. As fuel is fluid, the level inside the tank will be the same as the level on the clear tube !!

The easiest way is to cut the fuel line after the petcock, then add T-connection, one goes to the petcock, one goes to the carb, and one goes to the clear hose. The clear hose need to be tie-wrapped to body in safest possible position, up to the tank's screw hole under the seat. from there, remove the screw, and put the hose inside, and put sealant over it. how to see your fuel level, just check the height of the fuel on the clear hose !

but i want to make it a little bit "smarter"
this will include small tube (actually, a new reaservoar tank of brake fluid).
how ?

1. from the T-junction, connect clear hose  (short) up to the place of the brake fluid container (it can be mounted at the same position as the rear brake fluid reservoar, but on the other side - left side - )
2. brake container have rubber membrane which act like a bellow, it can contract/compress depend on fluid level inside.
3. to set the level, you need to drain the fuel at specific position (hopefully at the same level as the brake reservoar tank), then open the tank cover to "equalize" the pressure. then close it.
4. at the time fuel is higher than the level set on step 3, the rubber membrane inside brake canister will push all the way to the top, this can be use to trigger switch for indicator
5. at the time fuel is lower than the level set on step 3, the rubber membran will pulled to the bottom, hopefully the switch mechanism relase and trigger a light or something.

my only problem is, this is still idea yet, still looking the right switch, T-junction, and the clear hose.
graphically, can be seen below. should be simple and "do-able"

Rabu, 25 Juli 2012

Simple Madass : Dual rear caliper..

The top one is stock, bottom one is brembo.
The top one will be coupled to front brake, this give me additional grip during panic brake, but don't know yet if this will be balanced. The bottom caliper will be extra braking power by the foot brake. Still on going project..

Sabtu, 21 Juli 2012

Simple RF : 2feet close focus on Nikkor HC "Sonnar"

Just like it..
Wide open @ 2 feet, distance measured with the length of my hand

Kamis, 12 Juli 2012

Simple Lens : it's not all about bokeh..

i like bokeh.
i like sub f2 lens
almost "ALL" of my lenses are sub f2 lens,
cron?? forget it, i need more light, more bokeh..f1.2, f1.4, f1.5, that's what i'm talking about, and use it wide open !

i never "Like" the idea of "hyperfocal shooting" 
all area sharp..
no, i need bokeh, i need dof separation..bokeh, bokeh, bokeh..

one day, i downloaded a bunch of picture from my camera to laptop, and viewed it there..
what the heck..!!

it was a very shocking experience, not that i don't like it, but it is really refreshment to my mind..

then i realize, it's not all about bokeh..sometimes it worth to shock your day with something "different"

Minggu, 08 Juli 2012

Simple Lens : Nikkor HC f2 LTM

full of brass, coated, medium contrast, nice saturation, sonnar design, close focus to 1.5ft, nice little lens for my IIIC-T BP ST
@ f2

@ minimum focus.

Jumat, 22 Juni 2012

Simple RF : a leica that should never evern been exist

My Leica IIIc BP ST TC, my finalized DIY project.
BP = Black Paint
ST = Self Timer
TC = Titanium Curtain

Selasa, 19 Juni 2012

Simple Family : Home..

For me it's a glance and the smile on your face the touch of your hands,
And an honest embrace
For where I lay it's you I keep,
This changing world I fall asleep
With you all I know is I'm coming home,
Coming home

Sabtu, 09 Juni 2012

Simple Camera : Why RF?

My friend ask me why i change my gear from Slr to RF, what are the reason?
I don't know.
When i use RF, it is just "snap" fit in to my style. To be precise, it fit in to my shooting style.
I like small camera, quiet operation, simple interface, single focal length lens, can be taken daily with no extra load in my neck, discreet shooting, a camera that does not intimade the object by it's presence as well as security guys.
Yes, i found it all in RF.
I do lost dof control over viewfinder, but i get no blackout viewfinder, seeing outside of the box.
With RF i put the scene into my capture area. With SLR, i search my scene from within my capture area. I don't know why, but i feel RF is best for composition, while SLR is best for DOF control. RF works for daily life picture, while SLR for macro & super tele picture, which rarely you can see in your daily life activity.
So here i am, RFer, RFist, whatever you can say.

Started with Canonet GIII 1.7 then Yashica Lynx 14e, Lynx 1000, 2 GL, GX, 2 FC (yes, i'm a fan of yashica due to it's aperture priority mode, and leaf shutter), rollei 35rf, leica IIf, leica m2, epson rd1, hexar af, hexar rf, leica iiic-t bp, leica m2-t bp, leica m3-t, perkeo IIIe, bessa II c-skopar, bessa II c-heliar. Yes, i'm a freak in RF, i buy, i use it, i fix it, i modify it.
At the end, I only keep the best, so m2-t bp, hexar rf, rd1, iiic-t bp, and heliar are still in my drawer.
If you want to talk about RF, i am ready. But better to test one yourself, who knows what will happen later.

Jumat, 08 Juni 2012

Simple Photography : Digitally Xpan-ded

The idea of Xpan (panoramic camera) is to have 24mm lens in panoramic mode.
Horizontal angle of view is equivalen to 24mm, vertical should be less (as it is a panorama) than normal 24mm in 3:2 format.
24mm x 65mm film area => 2260x6141 pixel (scanned at 2400dpi) = 12 MP camera.
I wonder if the same format (24:65) can be done with 24mm equivalent lens in digital camera, it should be easy right?
Here few pictures tested with my ricoh gx100, set at minimum iso, 24mm FL, aperture around f8, snap focus, and croped as 24:65.
Not bad.. i show it to my friend who know Xpan, and i said i have scanned few xpan pictures. he saw it for 5 minutes and were amazing until he see the "distorsion" of GX100 lens and the dynamic range
Well, if i try with 16mm DA lens in my Pentax DSLR, it should be better as DA1645 is one of the lens with almost zero distorsion @16mm.
I'll post some picture later if i have a chance to play with the DA setup.

Rabu, 23 Mei 2012

Simple Hobby : it's not about money !

I like to take pictures. Friends say, you are not the best if you are not holding a leica, so I bought a lot cameras, i have enough "Leica", i have few limited & expensive glass, but none make me enjoying taking picture.
I was afraid to scratch it, i was worrying a bad thing to happen on my expensive stuff, i couldn't use it as i don't want to break it, losing some value of it.
At the end i sell it all. Buying cheap camera, that i can't use with faith, a tool in my hand, not a collector stuff, something that i can bump it along the way with no fear, and actually, it is still a leica i have in my hand.
What is changed?
My mental mind of using it.
Who is the master? Who is the slave?
I know these are expensive, but i am not going to babysit them all again. If it broke, let it broke, but i get a lot of happyness and joy of using it, no fear, just pure enjoyment.
Now, i am not a slave anymore.
Hobby is about joy, and enjoyment. It's not about money.

Kamis, 17 Mei 2012

Simple Family : Expression..

really like the expression of my wife and my son..

RD1 + Nokton 35 MC @ f2, thinking and staring..

RD1 + Nokton 35 MC @f1.4, are we going to go there, Dad ?

Simple Madass : My new home made db killer installed.

Just done, installed, and it really reduce the sound level, and as well the tone of the muffler.. Need to reset air screw setting on VM22 carb, then, a test ride..!

Sabtu, 05 Mei 2012

Simple Madass : Last status..

I have been playing for a while, and here is the result..

Minggu, 29 April 2012

Rabu, 25 April 2012

Simple Family : meet old friends

Really nice to see you and your fam !

Jumat, 13 April 2012

Simple Family : a Car for Yosua..

Really glad in my way home i found this Car !

Sabtu, 07 April 2012

Simple Family : Mengampuni..

Pengampunan membuka jalan kepada kesembuhan ilahi. Saat kita mengampuni, kita diampuni, dosa kita hilang, hati kita bersih & berkenan pada Tuhan. Semua luka2hati kita, itu Tuhan yg akan menanggungnya, karena bilur2nya kita sembuh. Amin !

Simple Family : Setia

Segitu tipisnyakah batas kesetiaanmu?
Segampang itukah kau ucapkan &%$¥# untuk yg lain?
We will survive !

Simple Family : Yosua, kuatkan dan teguhkanlah hatimu..

Papa menuliskan hal ini supaya saat kamu dewasa, kamu jadi orang yg tidak takut. Jadilah lelaki, yg kuat & teguh didalam Tuhan.
Jangan lihat Papamu, karena Papa tidak sempurna, tapi lihatlah Penciptamu, hanya pada Dialah dirimu boleh menangis. Tutuplah pintu, berdoalah, menangislah padaNya, tapi diluar pintu itu, kamu harus jadi lelaki yg kuat & teguh didalam Tuhan.
Jangan lihat Papamu, lihatlah Penciptamu, hanya kepada Dialah kekuatanmu, kemenanganmu, jangan mengandalkan kekuatanmu sendiri, otakmu, kemampuanmu. Jangan sombong ya nak. Kekuatan manusia hanyalah seperti debu dimata Tuhan, kalau kau bermegah, bermegahlah karena Dia Penolongmu, Sumber Keberhasilanmu !
Jangan lihat Papamu nak, lihatlah Penciptamu, Dia selalu menyertaimu, mengasihimu, menghiburmu, walau mungkin kau merasa sendiri. Panggil namaNya, minta kehadiranNya di hidupmu, Dia sangat suka menjadi temanmu, menjadi penunjuk jalanmu. Jangan takut pada masa depan, Dia menyiapkan yang terbaik untukmu, Percayalah, Berjuanglah, Dia menyertaimu sampai akhir jaman.

Yosua, sekali lagi, kuatkan dan teguhkanlah hatimu nak, Papa tidak bisa selalu bersamamu, Dia bisa dan itu cukup untuk hidupmu. Kamu bisa, bersama Dia, Penciptamu.

Papa mencintaimu nak, jadilah kuat & teguh !

Jumat, 06 April 2012

Simple RF : choosing my ultimate Sonnar

For a reason i can' understand, i really like sonnar. I have ever tested planar, heliar, tessar, but at the end it goes back to sonnar.

My first sonnar (and my first RF lens), was 40mm HFT Sonnar f2.8, from Rollei. I sell it by mistake(before i scan the roll) and regret it soo much.
My 2nd sonnar lens is a jupiter 8, it was sharp and contrasty, yet gave me butterly smooth bokeh. I paint it black and sell it, built quality is nothing to be desired.
3rd sonnar lens, 85mm f2 CZJ in contax mount, this is an investment, as i was about to get contax to ltm adapter. Never regret to have this lens.
4th lens,Rigid CZ 50mm f2 (with contax IIa), sell it as it can not be cleaned up
5th, and 6th lens, jupiter 8 pre 1950 (with focus knob, attached on Zorki 3M), and another jupiter 8 from 1962. Optic were scratched, so this is a good candidate for real sonnar transplant project.
7th, collapsible CZJ 50mm f2 pre war (with contax II), remounted on pre war jupiter 8, really like the short focus throw, but what can you expect from russian build quality. Sell it for a huge benefit.
8th, CZJ 50mm f1.5, pre war uncoated in contax mount, one of the best sonnar i have, never going to let it go.
9th, CZJ 50mm f2, post war coated from enlarger lens (really a bell&howel enlarger), remounted on collapsible body of the 7th lens. During cleaning up, i broke one of it's aperture blade, lucky that jupiter 8 blade are match for this. Still being use
10th, CZJ 135mm f4 in contax mount, really hard to focus on rd1, but image quality are top notch.

So, how much still i have now?
2 50mms, 1 85mm, 1 135mm, all CZJ, in contax mount, use with amedeo contax to ltm adapter.
Pretty weird that i need to adjust the focus for all contax lenses i have, this mean i can' use it with contax RF body anymore.

So, is that enough? I really like wide sonnar, if available. But the one exist is not in ltm/m mount. It is fixed in Contax T body, a 38mm f2.8 sonnar. I like the idea of compactness (it's a RF, titanium body!) and sonnar-ness of Contax T, but pricewise just can't be justified. And then another option was to get Rollei 35S/SE. Indeed, i grab it when i had a chance, and as per my test result, the sonnar lens really shine eventhough i need to scale focus.

So what is missing?
Having 50mm classic sonnar in contax mount + amedeo adapter is really nice, but as well pain in the finger. It has maybe 359degree rotation from minimum focus (1m) to infinity. Really slow to focus. I really like the idea of jupiter 8 body implant, but need brass to make it perfect. Then come a canon/nikon ltm variant in my mind, that ones are expensive, and rare, maybe half of the cost of the new zeiss M sonnar. Canon f1.5, nikkor f1.4 and nikkor hc f2. Lucky last night i see an auction on ebay, a nice NHC f2 for 180$, quickly grabbed it without thinking twice. Why?

Because, it is a sonnar (+1) 50mm in brass body (+1), with short focus throw (+1), and focus knob (+1), ltm mount (+1), coated element (+1), short minimum focus distance 18inch (+1), hard lens element (+1), and is cheaper than used summicron.. I hope this will be my last sonnar.

Rabu, 04 April 2012

Simple Family : I'll be at your side..

When the daylight's gone and you're on your own
And you need a friend just to be around
I will comfort you, I will take your hand
And I'll pull you through, I will understand

And you know that

I'll be at your side, there's no need to worry
Together we'll survive through the haste and hurry
I'll be at your side
If you feel like you're alone, and you've nowhere to turn
I'll be at your side

If life's standing still and your soul's confused
And you cannot find what road to choose
If you make mistakes (make mistakes)
You can't let me down (let me down)
I will still believe (still believe)
I will turn around

And you know that

I'll be at your side, there's no need to worry
Together we'll survive through the haste and hurry
I'll be at your side
If you feel like you're alone, and you've nowhere to turn
I'll be at your side

I'll be at your side
I'll be at your side
You know that

I'll be at your side, there's no need to worry
Together we'll survive through the haste and hurry
I'll be at your side
If you feel like you're alone, you've got somewhere to go,
'Cos I'm right there
I'll be at your side, I'll be right there for you
(Together we'll survive) through the haste and hurry
I'll be at your side
If you feel like you're alone, you've got somewhere to go,
'Cos I'm at your side

I'll be right there for you
I'll be right there for you, yeah
I'm right at your side


Yosua, Papa, Mama

Minggu, 01 April 2012

Simple Madass : The rear brake locking issue..

The day that i hope never come, did come. Even with a brembo in my rear brake, it happened (so it is not caliper issue). The rear brake just locked up with no reason. I pushed the brake pedal and the piston stay at full pushed position. Lucky that it jammed before i ride it.

After i disassembled the stock master brake assy, and compare it with aftermarket brake assy, i didn't have clue why it will jam on full stroke. Everything looks normal, seal were intact, spring were strong. Then i interchanged the piston and seals assy between them and confirmed that the stock piston/seal assy still jammed in the aftermarket brake assy.

Build quality wise, i don't know why the stock one have thread on the piston, but it looks so crude built, not smooth metal surface. Anyway, the aftermarket piston and seal work perfectly in stock master brake assy, so why not just use it.

Now it works as it should be, as a lesson learn, if you have a madass, just replace the rear piston/seal assy on your rear master brake, and hopefully you can avoid the lock up issue.

Sabtu, 31 Maret 2012

Simple Madass : New free flow exhaust

Berangkat ke bengkel, pake knalpot asli, rasanya tarikan agak brebet dan berat, mungkin karena karbu vm22 dgn pilot/main jet 20/103.8 yg kegedean, atau juga gear kombinasi 15/39 yg baru dipasang.

Dibengkel (+ nunggu hampir 6jam), terpasanglah knalpot Level3 roadrace yg terlanjur dibeli di kaskus. Thanks to brayan knalpot, pemasangannya rapi dan profesional, sesuai keinginan user. Begitu motor dinyalain.. Beb..beb..Beb.. Ngebas diputaran bawah, tarik gas.. roooong.. Wah, kok teriak dia, jadi takut bakal rame nggak dijalan pulang ntar..

Pulang, tarikan mesin rasanya jadi lebih enteng, orang2 pada nengok kali dijejerin, entah karena suara yg rame atau uniknya madass. Pilot/main jet yg awalnya kegedean tampaknya cocok dgn kombinasi ini, sama sekali nggak ada brebet sama sekali. Naik gear 2 di 25kmh, gear 3 di 45kmh, gear 4 di 65kmh, tarik terus ke 80kmh lancar sekali, cuma ya itu, sebelum dicegat pak RT didepan komplek, masuk komplek langsung lepas gas, tarik kopling, beb..beb..beb.. Untung rumah nggak jauh dari ujung komplek..

Pas masuk rumah, baru sadar ada salah design, knalpotnya terlalu keluar posisinya, pas kaki turun dan dorong motor pelan2, paha kena pipa knalpotnya, untung masih anget2 aja, tapi perlu dipikirkan solusi cover heatnya

Selasa, 20 Maret 2012

Simple Madass : My home made 39t gear installed

16:39, this will make my madass reach 112kmh top speed, but i don't test it yet how big the loss of torque will be. I ride most of the time in the range of 60-80kmh, with stock 16:46 gear, engine shakes significantly when i reach 80kmh at 4th gear, that's pretty much uncomfort to my hand and my butt, event for 15minutes reading
With this new combination, i hope it helps reduce the engine shakes. If torque loss is too much, i will need to look for front 15t sprocket to be 15:39 combination, max speed will be around 105kmh, somewhere in between 16:46 and 16:39 combination.

Gear taken from Ninja 150R, TK Racing 428 39t with 6spokes, cut the spokes, drill the holes, few hours with metal saw and drill station. Combine with 108link 428 chain and i am ready to go.

Simple Madass : Stebel Nautilus.. honk..honk..!

I believe this will move big harley out of my way..

Senin, 27 Februari 2012

Simple Toy : Yosua and his Leica IIIc - Titanium & Black Painted

yes, it is with titanium curtain
black painted by me,
and now is his toy..

Rabu, 22 Februari 2012

Simple Phone : Junk in my screen

This is one reason i don't like facebook, twitter, etc, once activated, they keep flashing junk stuff in my phone screen..

Selasa, 21 Februari 2012

Simple Madass : a real Brembo

Finally got a real one, the difference is huge, build quality wise (as i don't have brembo banjo bolt, yet).

Looks like i got the P32G model with longer and wider brake pads. When i attached to my "home made" aluminum bracket, i can see that the brake pad covers wider area than the disk width, i believe this will be a BIG improvement over Frembo.

If i can get the original left front brembo caliper, it will be more happier..(eventhough the stock one is adequate)

Minggu, 19 Februari 2012

Simple Nokia : Symbian Belle is here !

Iseng ngecek update di E7, dia bilang ada update baru, please download with PC. cek di website nokia, ternyata si belle sudah datang..

I am downloading it right now.. let's see what the improvement later on..
lumayan gede, 277mb. thanks to network di kantor..

Welcome belle, bye-bye anna..